Task Groups

IABO is requesting expressions of interest to join our Task Groups for Science, Recognition and Communications. We strongly encourage students and early career scientists to apply!

What is expected from volunteers joining a Task Group?

Science Task Group members support the review process for the selection of Working  Group proposals submitted to the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR).

Recognition Task Group members support the nomination process for the Carlo Heip Excellence Medal and select awardees.

Communications Task Group members contribute content for IABO's social media outlets and communications via the MARINE-B email list.

All Task Group members support the evaluation of bid proposals for World Conference on Marine Biodiversity meetings.

How to apply

Volunteers can apply to become Task Group members by filling out this form.

Selection process

Task Group members are selected by the corresponding Executive Committee representative(s) based on merit and other criteria to ensure a well-balanced representation by geography, gender, discipline, and career stage.