
The International Association for Biological Oceanography (IABO) acts under the umbrella of the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) of the the International Science Council (ISC).

IABO seeks to promote the advancement of knowledge of the biology of the sea by providing opportunities for communication between marine biologists. These opportunities shall include meetings and discussions either during General Assemblies of IUBS or other suitable occasions. IABO also fosters co-operating with organizations and individuals with similar aims and interests.

Judith Gobin - President (2023 - 2026)
University of West Indies (Trinidad & Tobago)

Professor Judith Gobin is the Head of the Department of Life Sciences of the Faculty of Science and Technology at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago. Prof. Gobin spearheads efforts focused on advancing deep-sea research, and capacity building and technology transfer in marine sciences of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean Sea. She is also actively engaged in UN negotiations of the Legally Binding Instrument (LBI) on Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ).  Prof. Gobin will lead IABO for the 2023-2026 Presidency.


Enrique Montes - Past President

U. Miami Cooperative Institute for Marine & Atmospheric Studies - CIMAS

NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory - AOML

Enrique is a biological oceanographer interested in drivers of marine ecosystems and ocean biogeochemical cycling. He combines in situ biogeochemical, optical, and biological observations with satellite remote sensing data to understand phytoplankton dynamics, local to regional biodiversity, and associated biogeographical patterns. He is also working on the development of the Global MBON and coordinates the MBON Pole to Pole of the Americas.

Patricia Miloslavich - Past President
Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela)

Patricia is the Executive Director of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). She is a retired senior professor from Simon Bolivar University in Venezuela, and formerly was the International Project Officer of the GOOS Biology and Ecosystems Panel. Patricia played key roles with the Census of Marine Life program, contributed to draft the Science Strategy of the Ocean Science section of the IOC/UNESCO, has been an invited speaker at the 2017 UN Oceans conference and the 2018 UN High Level conference in preparation for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, a member of the pool of experts for the UN World Ocean Assessment (I and II) and a Coordinating Leading Author for the IPBES global assessment. She was the recipient in 2015 of the Venezuelan National Science Award.


Executive Committee